

Rhinoplasty encompasses a range of surgical techniques used to reshape the nose's bone, cartilage and soft tissues. The goal is to refine the nose's appearance to better complement the patient's facial symmetry, or to correct deviations that may impair breathing.

The overall result should have the nose artistically match the positive features of the face. The nose should blend in so well, others should not even know there was ever a surgical enhancement.

What can
be treated?

For aesthetic reasons, rhinoplasty can address a variety of concerns, such as:
• The size and shape of the nose
• The width of the nasal bridge
• The appearance of humps or depressions on the bridge
• The shape of the nasal tip

It can also correct functional issues, such as:
• Difficulties with breathing, due to a deviated septum
• Other structural abnormalities

The benefits

The benefits of rhinoplasty extend beyond the physical transformation. It can profoundly impact one's self-conidence and quality of life. Aesthetically, it can create a more balanced and proportionate facial appearance; and functionally, it can significantly improve breathing difficulties, leading to better sleep quality and overall health. Some people have even reported less snoring after nasal airway surgery though this is not guaranteed. The procedure can also correct congenital defects and injuries, restoring both form and function to the nose.

The procedure

A rhinoplasty surgery is thoroughly planned and executed, tailored to meet your specific aesthetic and functional needs. Your safety is a top-priority through the whole process. This is how it is typically done.





Prior to undergoing rhinoplasty, you will engage in a comprehensive consultation with your surgeon. During this time, you will discuss your goals, concerns and any specific desires you have for the outcome of your surgery. Your surgeon will assess your nasal structure, facial features and skin quality, to develop a personalised surgical plan. You may also undergo imaging tests to further examine the internal structures of your nose.

Before your surgery, you will be advised to:

  • Avoid certain medications, especially aspirin or anything that may increase bleeding or bruising in the area
  • Stop smoking
  • Arrange for a recovery period

Learn more about how to prepare for rhinoplasty.





For a comfortable and pain-free procedure, rhinoplasty is performed under anaesthesia. The type of anaesthesia used will depend on the complexity of the surgery. Options include:

  • Local anaesthesia with sedation: This type is often used for less invasive procedures. You will be awake but relaxed, and your nose area will be numbed to block pain. You may also choose to have more heavy sedation if you would like. That will involve a discussion with your surgeon and anaesthesiologist about your preference.
  • General anaesthesia: For more extensive surgeries, general anaesthesia may be recommended. You will be asleep throughout the procedure, and a breathing tube will be used to assist your breathing.

An anaesthesiologist will monitor your vital signs and comfort throughout the procedure, ensuring a safe and pain-free experience. The choice of anaesthesia will be discussed during your pre-operative consultations, taking into account your medical history, the specifics of the planned surgery and your personal comfort.





There are primarily two ways of making the incision: open and closed rhinoplasty, with ultrasonic rhinoplasty as a more recent innovation. The choice of technique depends on the complexity of the surgery and the specific changes desired.

  • Open rhinoplasty: Involves an incision across the columella, the small strip of tissue separating the nostrils. This approach provides the surgeon with extensive visibility and access to the nasal structure, allowing for very precise modifications. It is often preferred for more complex procedures.
  • Closed rhinoplasty: All incisions are made within the nostrils, leaving no visible external scars. While visibility may be more limited compared to the open technique, closed rhinoplasty can be advantageous for less extensive modifications, offering the benefit of reduced swelling and shorter recovery times.
  • Ultrasonic rhinoplasty: This method is relatively new and uses ultrasonic energy to precisely sculpt the nasal bones, minimising trauma to the surrounding tissues. It allows for more precise adjustments with potentially less bruising and swelling.


Reshaping the
nose structure


Reshaping the
nose structure

The main step during the procedure is to reshape the nose structure. If the septum is deviated, this may also be able to be straightened at the same time. Throughout this process, the surgeon works meticulously to achieve a balance between the desired aesthetic outcome and the preservation of nasal function. This is usually done by performing one or several of these techniques:

  • Modifying bone and cartilage: Excess bone and cartilage may be removed or repositioned to achieve the desired shape. In cases where more volume is needed, grafts from other parts of the body (often the septum, ear, or rib) may be used.
  • Refining the tip: The nasal tip can be reshaped through suture techniques or cartilage grafting, allowing for increased precision in adjusting tip definition and rotation.
  • Adjusting the nasal bridge: The surgeon may reduce a hump on the nasal bridge by carefully removing bone and cartilage. Alternatively, if augmentation is needed, grafts can be used to build up the bridge, giving it the underlying structure it needs for a permanent result.


Closing the


Closing the

The incisions are carefully closed with sutures. In the case of an open rhinoplasty, the external incision made on the columella is also sutured, with care taken to ensure that the resulting scar is as inconspicuous as possible. In closed rhinoplasty, there are no external visible scars, since all incisions are inside the nostrils.

The sutures used inside the nose are typically dissolvable and do not require removal. External sutures, if any, are usually removed within a week after surgery. Following the closure of the incisions, the nose is often stabilised with splints and packing to support the new structure during the initial healing phase.





Adherence to your surgeon's guidance can significantly impact the outcome and speed of your rhinoplasty recovery. Initially, you can expect some swelling and bruising around the eyes and nose, which typically improves within the first week. To support a smooth recovery, consider the following advice:

  • Rest and keep your head elevated
  • Apply cold compresses, avoiding direct pressure on the nose
  • Avoid strenuous activities for at least 3-6 weeks
  • Follow your surgeon's instructions for cleaning the nasal area
  • Attend your follow-up appointments

Recovery timelines vary, with most individuals able to return to work and daily activities within two weeks, although full healing and final shaping of the nose may take up to a year or a year and a half. During this time, you need to take proper care of your nose.


The result


The result

The results of rhinoplasty are permanent and will be life-changing for most patients. As swelling subsides and the nose settles into its new shape over several months, the full effects of the surgery will become apparent, however it may take up to 18 months to see the final result.

Find clinics
in the UK

With Adoreal, you can easily find surgeons and clinics that perform rhinoplasty in the UK. Putting the power of your aesthetic journey in your hands, you can get in touch with the performing surgeons, helping you choose one that fits your needs; one that you feel safe with and trust. Through our platform, you can explore a curated selection of top clinics, access detailed clinic profiles and have all your information about upcoming or previous procedures kept in one safe place. Register to begin your journey.


More about

Some patients may feel concerned or anxious before undergoing rhinoplasty. This is completely normal. Understanding the safety, potential risks and the variety of options available can put you in the driver’s seat and help you feel confident in your journey towards enhancing your nasal appearance.

Safety and
potential risks

Like any surgical procedure, rhinoplasty involves a degree of risk. During surgery, the patient’s safety has the highest priority. The potential risks or complications that will typically need additional attention are the following:

• Breathing difficulties
• Infection
• Vomiting or nausea
• Intense pain
• Significant bleeding
• Dissatisfaction
• Scarring

Questions to ask
during consultation

Your consultation is the perfect time to gather information, express your desires and concerns, and establish a rapport with your surgeon. Consider asking the following questions:
• What is your experience with rhinoplasty?
• When was the last time you did a procedure like this?
• Can I see before-and-after photos of your previous rhinoplasty patients?
• What surgical technique do you recommend for my specific case, and why?
• What can I expect in terms of recovery and the timeline for seeing results?
• How do you handle revisions if the results don't meet my expectations?
• What are the potential risks and complications, and how are they managed?


Non-surgical rhinoplasty offers an alternative to traditional surgery for those seeking minor adjustments. This procedure involves the injection of dermal fillers into specific areas of the nose to alter its shape. This method is minimally invasive, requires no downtime and results are immediately visible. It's also reversible, depending on the type of filler used. However, it cannot reduce nose size or correct internal structural issues. Also, the results are temporary, typically lasting 6 to 18 months.

Some patients who have had previous rhinoplasty may not be a candidates for non-surgical rhinoplasty.

Discussing both surgical and non-surgical options with your surgeon can help determine the best approach for achieving your aesthetic goals.

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The results of rhinoplasty are considered permanent, with the reshaped structure of the nose stabilising approximately 12 months post-operation.

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