Why do my lip fillers not last?

Professor Ash Mosahebi

Those with faster metabolisms may experience their lip fillers wearing off sooner, as their bodies tend to process the filler material more rapidly.

Although a high metabolism is great for burning calories, it can also mean cosmetic treatments, such as lip fillers, may not last as long as expected.

8 tips to extend your fillers result

To maximize the longevity of your lip fillers, consider these effective strategies:

1. Stick to you after-care instructions

After receiving lip fillers, adhering strictly to the after-care guidelines provided by your clinician is essential for ensuring the best possible results and longevity of your treatment. Here are key points to follow:

  • Avoid vigorous activities: This helps prevent increased blood flow to the face, which can cause swelling or disrupt the placement of the filler.
  • Refrain from smoking: Smoking can impair the healing process and lead to suboptimal results.
  • Avoid alcohol consumption: Alcohol can increase swelling and bruising, affecting the healing process.
  • Steer clear of blood-thinning medications: Unless prescribed, avoid medications that can increase bruising and bleeding.
  • Stay out of saunas and avoid direct heat: Heat can cause the filler to break down prematurely and decrease its longevity.

2. Research your clinic

Choosing a reputable clinic is key for ensuring quality treatment. Look for clinics with experienced professionals known for their expertise in injectables. These clinicians provide high-quality fillers and know the precise techniques to apply them for long-lasting effects.

3. Plan regular follow up injections

Regular maintenance appointments can significantly extend the life of your fillers. Follow-up injections allow for adjustments and enhancements before the filler fully metabolizes, maintaining continuity and appearance.

4. Handle with care

In the days following your treatment, be gentle with the skin around your lips. Avoid excessive touching or massaging the area to prevent the filler from moving or being absorbed too quickly.

5. Avoid sun exposure

UV exposure can degrade the quality of your fillers by breaking down collagen and accelerating the aging process. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen and wear a hat when out in the sun to protect your skin and extend the life of your fillers.

6. Stay hydrated

Hydration is key to maintaining skin elasticity and health, which in turn supports the durability of filler treatments. Drink plenty of water daily to keep your skin plump and resilient.

7. Reduce stress

High-stress levels can lead to inflammation and accelerated aging, which can impact the longevity of your aesthetic treatments. Engage in stress-reducing activities like yoga, meditation, or regular physical exercise.

8. Do not travel by plane for at least a week

The pressure changes experienced during flights can affect the stability of your fillers shortly after treatment. Avoid air travel to ensure your fillers settle properly and last longer.

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