MTF body contouring

Patrick K. Sullivan

MTF body contouring is a series of procedures aimed at aligning physical appearance with gender identity.

At Adoreal, we appreciate the significant role these treatments play in enhancing our clients' lives, well-being, and self-expression. We strive to offer tailored feminisation journeys, employing a broad range of surgical options to meet the individual needs and goals of our clients.

Androgenic and estrogenic body forms

Recognising the differences between androgenic and estrogenic body forms is crucial in MTF body contouring.

Androgenic body forms

Typically, androgenic body shapes, influenced by male hormones, show fat deposition in the abdomen and flanks, with a generally lower body fat percentage, leading to narrower pelvic regions than estrogenic shapes.

(Here, visual aids to depict androgenic body characteristics would be included.)

Estrogenic body forms

Estrogenic shapes, often developing under the influence of female hormones, feature wider pelvises and about 10% more body fat, primarily around the hips, buttocks, and thighs, contributing to a more pronounced curve.

(Here, photos to illustrate estrogenic body forms would be provided.)

The "ideal" female body shape

The concept of an "ideal" female shape is subjective and varies widely. Body contouring aims to help individuals achieve their desired figure, which could be any of the following:

  • Pear shape: with hips broader than the shoulders.
  • Rectangle shape: where the waist, hips, and shoulders are roughly the same width.
  • Apple shape: carrying more weight around the waist than the hips.
  • Hourglass shape: often seen as a classic feminine shape, with a balanced bust and hips and a distinct waist.

What procedures form part of the surgery?

MTF body contouring can include:

  • Breast augmentation: Creating a breast profile that aligns with the individual's gender identity.
  • Butt augmentation: Enhancing buttock fullness and projection.
  • Hip augmentation: Broadening the hips for an hourglass effect.
  • Facial feminisation surgery: Softening facial features to reflect a feminine appearance.

Benefits of MTF body contouring

Beyond the visual changes, MTF body contouring offers profound psychological and emotional benefits, fostering body confidence and personal congruity.

Post-op and recovery

The recovery process requires adherence to guidelines for rest and care to ensure the success and duration of the results.


Before and after images provide valuable insight into the potential outcomes of MTF body contouring, illustrating the significant changes that can be achieved.

Body contouring with Adoreal

At Adoreal, we focus on offering personalised care for your MTF body contouring experience, ensuring you feel supported from consultation to recovery. We work with specialists in gender-affirming procedures to provide high-quality care tailored to your needs.

Start your body contouring journey with Adoreal, where we provide dedicated, expert support every step of the way. Reach out today to begin your personalised transformation.

Begin Your Consultation with Adoreal

Disclaimer: This page is intended for educational purposes and should not be taken as medical advice. Results vary and depend on individual circumstances. Consent for the use of personal images is always obtained. Consult with healthcare professionals for specific information about MTF body contouring.